High Blood pressure can cause many health problems. Hypertension does not cause any symptoms; therefore, it is known as a silent killer. During the pregnancy, uncontrolled high blood pressure can cause severe problems for the mother and fetus. In some cases, women have to face high blood pressure before they get pregnant. On the other hand, in some...

Do you know the importance of food in health improvement? If you are looking for improvement in sexual health issues like sexual disorders, you must know the best foods for them. In this article, we will discuss the most common sexual disorders men and women have. Moreover, I will try to analyse food treatments that can help in the...

Are you a woman and are overweight? Well, many women do have reproductive system issues when they get overweight. Then why not reduce your weight if you wish to have a beautiful baby boy or girl playing in your arms. Sure, you would love to have a kid when you are married. What you have to do is make sure...

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